东莞市力远电子有限公司,研究、开发、生产ECM咪头MIC(微型麦克风)、硅麦、车载语音识别模组麦克风等电声类元器件,产品 广泛应用于移动通讯及周边设备、个人电脑,汽车电子类,3C数码产品等领域。DG Rayking Electronics Co.,Ltd was founded in 2011, specializes in research, developing and producingmicrophones, MEMs, mic module and related acousticcomponents. The products are widely used in the consumer electronics such as mobile communications and peripheral devices, PC and digital products, The annual output value is in the forefront of the same industry in China.在公司的发展及未来前景中,我们一直在:努力塑造高素质的员工,逐渐完善企业文化体系,不断开发电声科学的技术产品,扩大生产规模和提高产品质量,力求创造高的效益,满足顾客需求,实现企业的可持续发展。In the company's past and future development, we ..